The Society for the Protection of Al-Quds Al-Sharif was established in 1996 with a license from the Jordanian Ministry of Interior. It was co-chaired by Mr. Taher Al Masri, Mr. Najeeb Al-Rashdan, Eng. Raef Najm and Dr. Raouf Abu Jaber.
The Society is an Arab Islamic, and above all regional, religious or political, non-profit charity in accordance with Article 1 (a). Of its statute.
In 2002, the Association received a request from the Jerusalem Society for Welfare and Development (a Jerusalem institution for the rehabilitation of houses in the Old City), which was established by Faisal Abdul Qadir al-Husseini (may Allah have mercy on him) Abu Bakr, which collapsed because of the rains, and then the contacts between the two associations went on and the management of the Society for the Protection of Al-Quds Al-Sharif alerted to the danger of Judaization, which lurks in the old town and whose methods and plans were the most important of which was to remove the Arab population from their homes, By the occupation authorities and bringing in Zionist settlers instead of their owners and their original inhabitants.
Accordingly, the Association directed all its efforts and energies to the restoration of houses in the Old City of Jerusalem and concluded an agreement with the Jerusalem Society for Welfare and Development to organize the work between the two societies.
To date, the Society has funded the renovation of twelve phases of 82 houses at an approximate cost of $ 2,500,000 and the implementation of phase XIII is under way.